Vison, Mission and Values


Our Vision is to provide quality legal services for eligible Yukoners by engaged, healthy, and productive employees.


Our Mission is to deliver cost effective, high quality legal services in all areas of coverage to eligible Yukoners; and work with partners in the justice system to improve access to justice.


  • To exhibit professionalism and uphold excellence, high standards and consistency in the quality of our service
  • To be ethical and have a clear understanding of what is considered right and wrong
  • To have integrity, truthfulness, and honesty leading our decision making in all circumstances
  • To have compassion, empathize and care within professional boundaries
  • To accommodate client needs by recognizing and helping to overcome barriers
  • To be respectful in all relationships
  • To be accountable to our clients
  • Consider best policies and practices to accommodate clients with special needs and/or disabilities
  • Ensure access to justice is always a high priority

We also strive to adhere to the following important considerations identified by the YLSS Board of Directors:

The Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action, and particularly:

27. We call upon the Federation of Law Societies of Canada to ensure that lawyers receive appropriate cultural competency training, which includes the history and legacy of residential schools, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Treaties and Aboriginal rights, Indigenous law, and Aboriginal– Crown relations. This will require skills-based training in intercultural competency, conflict resolution, human rights, and anti-racism